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Get £1 off Biotiful Kids Kefir at ASDA and Sainsbury’s!* Healthy Habits Start Here!

*To claim £1 off any Biotiful Kids Kefir 4x100ml product at ASDA and Sainsbury’s cut out the coupon on the Biotiful Kids Kefir advertisement on page 4 of your Member’s Handbook and redeem it at the checkout!

6 top tips to support your child’s gut health brought to you by children’s nutritionist Lucy Upton and Biotiful Gut Health

More than ever, the gut microbiome is in the spotlight as an early life factor that can have a profound impact on children’s long-term health.
An imbalance in the gut bacteria (too much unfriendly bacteria) has been linked to diseases such as colic and constipation, and more recently, studies have shown changes in the gut bacteria are also associated with obesity in children.

Below are some simple steps to improve your child’s digestive health:

1. Focus on fibre . When last surveyed, the average intake of fibre for children across all age groups in the UK was below recommendations. Fibre is fuel for beneficial bacteria in the gut, so step back and see where you can sneak some extra in. You can find fibre in fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, nuts, seeds, beans and pulses.

2. Include foods that contain live ‘good’ bacteria for your child’s gut like Biotiful Gut Health Kids Kefir packed with good bacteria, calcium, made with all-natural ingredients and no added sugar. Perfect for breakfast, to pop in the lunchbox, or as a snack.

3. Be careful with highly processed foods, there are clear differences in the gut microbiome of countries with diets higher in these foods, compared to those where they are not a regular part of the daily diet.

4. Prioritise prebiotics too – whilst all sources of fibre are great to include, certain foods are particularly good at feeding the friendly bacteria and the good news is these include foods your child may well already enjoy – oats, bananas, garlic, apples and leeks are all examples of great prebiotic foods.

5. Encourage activity – physical activity is well recognised to support many dimensions of children’s health, including digestion, but research has also shown active kids tend to have a healthier gut bacteria. Aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity a day.

6. Get in those zzz’s – sleep is increasingly recognised as a factor related to gut health, with a relationship evident both ways. The quality of sleep has been linked with the diversity of the gut microbiome and vice versa! For children 3-5 years aim for 10-13 hours a night and for 6-12 years 9-12.

Biotiful Kids Kefir available in two flavours: Strawberry & Banana; Peach & Pineapple. Find us in ASDA and Sainsbury’s